Plan For the Pipila Roundabout

The Pipila has long been a source of stress for residents and visitors alike. The traffic and delays have steadily increased as has the number of accidents and fatalities. Pedestrian crossings are dangerous and difficult. For the elderly or disabled, it is impossible to cross safely. The same applies to cyclists. Under Guanajuato law, all roads and highways must prioritize traffic in the following manner. – Pedestrians – Cyclists – Public Transport – Private vehicles.
Right now, we essentially have this backwards. During the last mayoral campaign, every candidate had a proposal to revamp the Glorieta, including our current Mayor. Their proposals, however, never went beyond a debate over a bridge versus a tunnel and didn’t address the very important issues of pedestrians and cyclists. Moreover, all proposals encouraged visitors to continue into the already congested centre of town.
Fortunately, Ivar Schacke, a Danish civil engineer with over 40 years of global experience dealing with traffic safety, has designed a proposal that will dramatically improve safety, reduce traffic at the Glorieta Pipila, and bring it into compliance with state law. Ivar’s plan provides easily accessible crossing at a subterranean level for pedestrians and cyclists. It would be well lit and include a police station, shops, cafes and safe bike storage.
The ground level would direct drivers coming in and out of town much more efficiently. It would also clearly demarcate the separation between highway and city, motivating drivers to reduce their speed. Visitors would be encouraged to leave their cars in parking lots at the entrance to the city to prevent unnecessary traffic and make the centro more enjoyable for everyone. An east-west bridge would allow through traffic to bypass the vehicles turning and move much more quickly than the current round-about. We are hopeful that the Mayor and City Council will support this proposal. We are very excited at the prospect of a well-planned, well-integrated solution to the problems at the Glorieta Pipila and look forward to the marked improvement in quality of life for all of us.
We have attached detailed drawings of the plan. Please feel free to comment on this, or any other issue you feel is important to Sanmiguelenses.

3 thoughts on “Plan For the Pipila Roundabout

  • November 27, 2019 at 1:48 pm

    I have lived in a city with under the traffic tunnels…Chicago…they are not safe, collect dirt and piss and then people try to run out in front of traffic! Think twice about this…I’d not be going into a tunnel here…

  • November 30, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    As an urban planner in support of people-oriented places, this plan is unclear as to how it is in compliance with Guanajuato’s law that prioritizes pedestrians. Putting the burden on pedestrians and cyclists, especially those with disabilities, to go underground to cross a dangerous highway-like road is unfair and outdated thinking. It’s hard to understand/read these drawings, but I’m guessing the proposal is the last image where the glorieta has essentially been turned into a highway to “direct drivers coming in and out of town much more efficiently” (making driving easier has NEVER in history relieved congestion, instead it invites more drivers and more congestion). This proposal looks like a nightmare for people who aren’t drivers; it’s dangerous, unpleasant, and difficult to traverse. The best solution is to reduce the amount of lanes for vehicular traffic, calm traffic, prioritize public transit options, and create frequent, safe places for pedestrians and cyclists to cross.


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