Details of the 3 Intersections on the eastern part of the Libramiento (Part II) 2. Sapasma intersection


  1. Sapasma intersection

This intersection is in the process of being established. A left lane is available for traffic coming from the Libramiento/Conspiracion intersection and that is good. A left turning lane from Pipila to Sapasma street is not clear to see at this moment when there is no good lane marking on the pavement . does not seem to be planned.  Turning lanes – both to right and left – coming from Alcocer seems to be OK. Again, everything will be so much better once pavement painting of lanes has been established. From Alcocer a special left turning lane will be available to the street leading to Tres Cruces.

Traffic lights will be established for both vehicles and pedestrians. However, for the latter there will be no pedestrian passage across the libramiento at the southern end of the intersection and that is OK considering the driving pattern and general development. However, while there are pedestrian traffic lights for the northern crossing of the Libramiento between Sapasma street and the road to Alcocer, traffic lights for pedestrians are not established across the Sapasma street which is bad, since there may be many school children from the nearby school wanting to cross the Sapasma  street to reach the parking lot (to be picked up by a parent).

The stop line for vehicle traffic coming from the Libramiento/Conspiracion intersection is well placed rather far from the traffic light of the Sapasma intersection.

There are no directional signing at this intersection. Maybe a sign showing direction towards Alcocer would be a good idea.

Some details:

  • As was the case at the Libramiento/Conspiracion intersections also at this Sapasma intersection the traffic light signalling is not all placed correctly above the traffic lane.
  • One pedestrian traffic light located right at the corner of the Sapasma street and the Libramiento is placed too far from the pedestrian crossing and should be corrected.
  • Coming from Pipila it is not clear – due to the ongoing construction – if a proper left turning lane towards Sapasma will be established, but this will be necessary may not be needed due to limited turning traffic
  • Two lanes from Pipila towards the Libramiento/Conspiracion interchange will be extended to 4 lanes after the Sapasma intersection, two to continue towards Libramiento/Conspiracion intersection and the two others to be a parallel road. However, those two lanes are narrowed to one just before the entrance to Liverpool. I believe some study should be done to make this design better, perhaps in connection with the left turning possibility from the south bound traffic to Liverpool (see abovebelow).
  • I shall not comment on the very problematic signing for vehicles coming from Pipila wishing going towards Alcocer.
  • The extremely unusual and very problematic turn from Alcocer and Libramiento/Conspiracion towards Tres Cruces should be changed. Suggested is that the street from Tres Cruces should just after the Portal change its alignment to go a bit up to a point at the Alcocer road approximately 100-150 m above the Sapasma intersection and at that point be linked to the Alcocer road in a normal, small intersection. This will take away many dangerous traffic safety problems. To establish this more safe solution will require the town to expropriate a bit of land, something the administration until now has not wanted to do.

Conclusion: This intersection with corrections as mentioned above and proper lane markings and less pavement will be able to function rather well.

One thought on “Details of the 3 Intersections on the eastern part of the Libramiento (Part II) 2. Sapasma intersection

  • August 18, 2020 at 2:21 pm

    I am so relieved to read that your group exists and is tracking developments in our shared city. Muchísimas gracias!

    I was about to contact your group regarding the intersection with the new light at El Libramiento & Josefina Orozco, the street that runs in front of La Casona/Luna de Queso. After many fruitless calls, the intersection was finally opened to 2-way traffic so that traffic from the western side of El Libramiento can enter town easily and must no longer only enter through residential neighborhoods.


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